Self portrait September 15, 2001
This drawing I did a couple days after the shocking events of September 11, 2001. It was just a way to figure out how I felt and to see if it was different than before the country was attacked. I think I had to look inward to try to find a way to cope with all the fear and uncertianty of those days after our city was attacked.
Self portrait April 30, 2003
This drawing, from my hand made sketch book of creamy paper, is unusual because of the colors from a pencil that has 6 colored leads all in one. Controling the colors on the page is difficult at first but fun once you get used to turning and reshparpening the pencil. My great friend Betsy Kidder in Boston gave me this drawing tool.
7 Hands Portrait 2004
This is a photo modified from a portraits session I did with Steven Stichter and Monica Hand of 7 hands press back in the Spring. We were developing working sketches to create Linocuts based on our 3 portraits.